I have made a Single User Renoise installation. How can I set up desktop integration for my installation?
You can setup the desktop integration even for Single User Renoise installations with few steps.
Open a terminal and go into the directory where you have extracted the Renoise archive and type the following:
$ cd Installer
Now you have to create a new desktop entry for Renoise. Start using the provided desktop entry as base; write the following:
$ cp renoise.desktop renoise_single.desktop
Now the boring stuff: editing the content of the desktop entry. Open the file renoise_single.desktop with your preferred editor. You have to modify two lines. Change the line that says:
Exec=renoise %f
Exec=/home/<yourloginname>/path/to/renoise %f
and change the line that says:
Save and close the editor.
Let's now install the entries in desktop environment. Back into the terminal and type the following:
$ cd xdg-utils
$ ./xdg-icon-resource install --novendor --size 48 --context apps ../renoise.png
$ ./xdg-icon-resource install --novendor --size 48 --context mimetypes ../renoise.png application-x-renoise-module
$ ./xdg-icon-resource install --novendor --size 48 --context mimetypes ../renoise.png application-x-renoise-rns-module
$ ./xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor ../renoise.desktop
Now your local installation of Renoise is integrated in your user desktop environment.